About Me

How to Beat Concrete Cancer

Hello, my name is Tony and this is my concrete installation and maintenance blog. I am not a professional concrete contractor but I am very passionate about DIY. My dad was a contractor and when I was growing up he taught me all kinds of neat tips and tricks. Once time, he took me out into the yard and made me inspect the concrete wall. The concrete was crumbling away, exposing the metal bars beneath. My father explained that this was concrete cancer and then demonstrated how to repair the damage. I hope you find my blog useful and entertaining.



How to Beat Concrete Cancer

What Should You Do If You Suspect Issues with Your Retaining Wall?

by Eileen Jordan

If you're facing some issues with a retaining wall in your back garden, you need to act as quickly as possible. After all, if this wall is unstable, it may not be able to hold back the soil behind and could even collapse following heavy rain. So, what do you need to know about these walls, and how can you fix any issues as soon as possible?

How a Retaining Wall Should Be Built

Whenever a retaining wall is built, it should be designed so that it pitches back towards the soil it is retaining. It should also include tiebacks, which are sometimes called in the trade "dead man anchors." These anchors are fixed to the back of the wall and run well into the soil for a significant distance behind the wall itself.

These walls must also be built on a bed of compacted gravel. This gives additional stability, especially if the soil tends to be on the loose side. Further, drains must be installed to help take the water away after heavy rains before it can cause a dangerous buildup of pressure.

Be Aware of Potential Problems

While the concrete wall itself may appear to be in good condition, there may be some issues with its design or installation. For example, the anchors may have been incorrectly installed or are missing, and some drains may have become clogged. In addition, other problems could be associated with tree roots or excess weight on the ground behind.

Stabilise the Wall

You need to stabilise the wall as quickly as possible to avoid any risk of collapse. To do this, you should bring in an experienced contractor who will know what to look for.

The first thing they will check is the anchor system. They may need to add some anchors to "screw" the wall back into the soil. It's quite an involved job and requires hydraulic equipment to drive the anchor deep enough into the bank of soil to be effective.

Repair the Footings

If the anchors appear to be sufficient, then the issue may revolve around the footings. Here, you will need to ask a concrete contractor to take a look at the foundations and see whether any modifications are necessary. They may need to excavate the wall in sections and conduct repairs as needed, tying the existing wall to new and deeper foundations.

Call in the Experts

So, if you're worried about the integrity of your retaining wall, don't waste a second. Get in touch with the appropriate contractors and ask them to take a look.

For more information, contact a local company, like Maitland Ready Mixed Concrete Pty Ltd.
